Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘Columbia’

Senior Photos: Abby

Abby is the youngest of my (J.P.’s) first cousins, making her the baby. As a result, I have a picture of her in my head that looks something like this:

Yup, I took this one, too. *sigh*

(Sorry, Abby!)

But now she’s away at college, which doesn’t make me feel old at all, nooo… Furthermore, this is her now:


Kids grow up. If you’re really lucky, though, they grow up like Abby: beautiful inside and out. Not to say I don’t miss the gap-toothed little girl from time to time, but I’m delighted by the caring, intelligent, and sweet young lady she’s become. (Excuse me…something in my eye…)

Anyway, even though we took these after graduation, we’re going to count them as senior photos because she hadn’t left for school yet and besides, it’s our blog, so what are you going to do about it? *Ahem* Also, if you’ve got a senior in your house for whom you’d like to get photos, the time to contact us is now. It’s actually cool out and you can get photos made before the college application process has left them looking world-weary and haggard.



(You know, like this.)



It’s been amazing to watch Abby grow up and into a wonderful aunt to her nieces, who adore her.


Abby senior

She may have grown up, but she’s still got great expressions.


We love you, Abby! Now go kick college’s butt!


Senior Photos: Abby

Abby is the youngest of my (J.P.’s) first cousins, making her the baby. As a result, I have a picture of her in my head that looks something like this:

Yup, I took this one, too. *sigh*

(Sorry, Abby!)

But now she’s away at college, which doesn’t make me feel old at all, nooo… Furthermore, this is her now:


Kids grow up. If you’re really lucky, though, they grow up like Abby: beautiful inside and out. Not to say I don’t miss the gap-toothed little girl from time to time, but I’m delighted by the caring, intelligent, and sweet young lady she’s become. (Excuse me…something in my eye…)

Anyway, even though we took these after graduation, we’re going to count them as senior photos because she hadn’t left for school yet and besides, it’s our blog, so what are you going to do about it? *Ahem* Also, if you’ve got a senior in your house for whom you’d like to get photos, the time to contact us is now. It’s actually cool out and you can get photos made before the college application process has left them looking world-weary and haggard.



(You know, like this.)



It’s been amazing to watch Abby grow up and into a wonderful aunt to her nieces, who adore her.


Abby senior

She may have grown up, but she’s still got great expressions.


We love you, Abby! Now go kick college’s butt!


Freeway Music Fall Showcase

This past Sunday, Freeway Music held their Fall Music Showcase at the new Music Farm here in Columbia. All told, there were over 100 different performers, with students and instructors singing, playing guitar, bass, drums, violin, mandolin, keyboards, saxophone, ukulele, and most likely some other things that I’ve forgotten. It was awesome. First off, the Music Farm is a fantastic venue. I’m so glad that Columbia finally has a great mid-sized music venue with fantastic sound. Last year when we photographed the showcase, I got up and played bass on Counting Crows’ “Hanginaround”. This year, I opted out of playing so that I could focus solely on the photography, but after seeing the venue (and how much fun everybody was having), I’m kind of wishing I’d gotten on stage.

In case you’re not familiar with Freeway Music, they offer a wide range of music lessons (see above) to a wide range of folks, from wee rockers to folks who decided it was finally time to take up the drums after the kids moved out. I’d been playing bass for almost ten years when I started taking lessons from Don a couple of years ago and I’m sure I’ve grown more musically in those two years than in the ten before that. The point is, wherever you are in your musical journey, I highly recommend the teachers at Freeway.

That said, on to  a small selection of the many, many photos from Sunday!


Music Farm Sign


Click here to read more.

Playful Bridal Portraits with Rosemary

Do we seem excited? It’s because we are! Partially about the season premier of The Walking Dead, but mostly about the fact that Rosey and Chris are married! And that means that we can share with you these bridal portraits that we took of Rosey!

Modern bridal portrait

You can understand our excitement, no?

Bride looking over her shoulder

Rosemary and Chris were married Saturday on Folly beach. It must have been a fairly popular date and location for weddings, because we saw one wedding to our right and another to our left just slightly later in the afternoon. I’ll give you one guess which of the three brides was the most beautiful, though…

Gorgeous bride in a field

Gorgeous bride in a field of flowers in Columbia, SC

You might remember Rosemary from our earlier posts about Gyrotonic Columbia. Since then, she’s also competed nationally in yoga. (Yeah, I didn’t know that yoga was a competitive sport either. I’d love to hear the trash talk. “You think you’re serene?! You think you’re serene?! I’ll show you serene!”) I think her hard work has paid off.

Lovely bride holding her dressThe clouds were very cooperative that evening.

Beautiful bride spinning in her wedding dress in Columbia, SC

We had a blast getting these playful bridal portraits with Rosey. On top of everything else, Rosemary is a dancer (and used to dance with Wendy) so she knows how to move!

A playful photo of the bride

Isn’t she elegant?

Isn't Rosey an elegant bride?

So dramatic!

Even in the simplest of settings, Rosey pulls of such a graceful form. She really makes our job easy.

Nobody puts Rosey in a corner! Okay, actually we do, but she works it.

Beautiful bride lying on the floor

Rosey, we love you! Thank you for being so lovely in your wedding dress and for being willing to play with us to get these photos.

Come back very soon, everyone! We’ll have a teaser from Chris and Rosey’s wedding later this week that will include yoga (non-competitive), surfing, a crazy cute baby, and an absolutely lovely bride and groom.


Carolina CrossFit Famously Hot Showdown – Day 2 – Teams

(Hey! If you’d like to see all 1400+ images from both days you can do that (and order if you’d like) here.)

Okay, I promised a follow up to our previous post about day one of the Famously Hot Showdown, and here it is.

I know what you’re thinking. “Man, these fitness posts can be pretty intimidating! All these people are so darn…FIT!” Don’t worry, though, because day two of the Famously Hot Showdown was teams meaning the competitors were…

A very fit guy lifting weights

…still obscenely fit. Click here to read more.

Carolina CrossFit Famously Hot Showdown – Day 1

Once again, it’s time to return to the theme of people who are in way better shape than I (J.P.) am!

Last year, you might remember, we photographed Carolina CrossFit’s Famously Hot Showdown. This year, we returned for not one, but two days of events, this time located inside their Laurel Street location. If you don’t know much about CrossFit (or if you just want to see some more photos of people who look like Greek gods and goddesses (Why do we only associate Greek gods and goddesses with great abs?  Nice marketing, Greek pantheon!)) I’d suggest checking out our last post on Carolina CrossFit here.

But you’re not here to listen to me tell you about the competition, you probably want to see very fit people engaging in feats of athleticism that would leave me gasping for air, a defibrillator, and probably a milkshake.  So here are some highlights from day 1. (Day 2 here!)

(Note: all 1400+ images from both days can now be seen and ordered here.)

An athlete does overhead squats at Carolina CrossFit's Famously Hot Showdown

A woman doing a CrossFit WOD lifts a barbell over her head Click here to read more.