Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Archive for April, 2010

Lunch Money at RCPL

Last weekend, I joined the groupies of the coolest kids’ rock band around at one of the hippest locations in town.  I’m talkin’ about Lunch Money, and I’m talkin’ about the Richland County Public Library.  Seriously, how many single locations can you think of where your kid can (1) get story and sing-a-long time, (2) watch a play put on by local actors, and (3) hear an indie-rock concert all in one morning before you pick up your favorite brain candy on the way out?  Oh yeah – and all of this is essentially for free, not to mention the bonus of a child ready for nap time once the excitement has come to an end.  J.P. and I don’t have kids yet, but I’m taking notes.

Here’s Lunch Money.  They will rock your socks off!

Click here to read more.

Lunch Money at RCPL

Last weekend, I joined the groupies of the coolest kids’ rock band around at one of the hippest locations in town.  I’m talkin’ about Lunch Money, and I’m talkin’ about the Richland County Public Library.  Seriously, how many single locations can you think of where your kid can (1) get story and sing-a-long time, (2) watch a play put on by local actors, and (3) hear an indie-rock concert all in one morning before you pick up your favorite brain candy on the way out?  Oh yeah – and all of this is essentially for free, not to mention the bonus of a child ready for nap time once the excitement has come to an end.  J.P. and I don’t have kids yet, but I’m taking notes.

Here’s Lunch Money.  They will rock your socks off!

Click here to read more.

Senior Photos: Christy

Given that Wendy and I are both high school teachers, it’ might seem a little odd that we’d never done any senior photos before now. Maybe it’s because, for me, senior portraits always conjured up images of heading down to Olan Mills, putting on a dickie and tuxedo jacket several dozen guys had worn before me then tilting my head at an uncomfortable angle while trying to look natural.

That was not for us.

We decided that if we were going to take senior photos, we were going to make images that our clients could actually get excited about. We were going to make images that we could get excited about. As such, Christy was a wonderful first subject.

Apart from her other wonderful qualities, Christy has an awesome sense of style. It’s a good thing, because she’s looking at studying fashion marketing in college. Taking that into account, it only made sense to take her shoot in a fashion-y direction. I even asked her to practice making the faces that models do in fashion ads. I think she pulled it off magnificently!

So that’s senior session #1 from Lumos Studio. If you’re getting ready to be a senior and want something that’s a little more you than a black wrap and a canned smile drop us a line at and set up your session for this summer before your hair turns gray from filling out college and scholarship applications.

Our Anniversary/Wendy’s Birthday

You’re going to have to bear with me on this post, because it’s not a whole lot more than bragging. You see, I’m married to the most awesome woman on the face of the planet. Please don’t get me wrong–there are many awesome women on this planet–I just happen to be married to the most awesome of them all.

This past week, I got to celebrate this amazing woman and our marriage to one another. See, our anniversary was on Wednesday and Wendy’s birthday was on Thursday, meaning that, should I ever forget these dates, I am totally and completely doomed. No, I’m kidding, I have an amazingly patient and forgiving wife but I plan to never test her forgiveness that hard.

Anyway, we started out our anniversary in full wedding mode, with a bridal shoot with the lovely Joie (who you’ll meet next week) at the historic Seibels House and Garden. It’s a gorgeous site, which you can see from this quick snap I took of Wendy while testing light.

After our shoot, we were trying to decide on a place to eat our anniversary dinner. Unfortunately, we were both pretty stuffed up (pollen, anyone?) and didn’t really want to splurge on a fancy meal that we might or might not be able to taste. What to do? Eat at Blue Cactus, of course! Let me be clear–we chose Blue Cactus not because they’re not delicious, but because the way they cook, we knew we’d be able to taste it.

So yeah, in short, there were photos, there were gifts, there was food. It was a good day.

Thursday was set aside for us to celebrate, so there were…more gifts, more photos, and more food. This is Wendy in her new camera t-shirt:

In the photo we’re on our way to the McCutchen House for lunch. If you’ve never eaten there, you must remedy that soon. The food is delicious and the restaurant is staffed by USC students from the School of Hotel, Restaurant & Tourism Management who must be getting graded on their performance because the service is excellent. The McCutchen House is also where Wendy and I had our wedding reception. This visit wasn’t quite as exciting as that one, but we did actually get to eat this time.

There is no explanation for these next photos except that my wife is beautiful and we were messing around:

(I wish Wendy had told me how flat my hair was.)

(Did I mention that the McCutchen House has some great light?)

“Ooh! A brick wall!”

So, after eating and playing around USC, we went shopping so that Wendy could spend a little of her birthday money. I know you’re dying to know what she bought, but hang on!

Finally, we wrapped up our celebration of our anniversary and Wendy’s birthday by treating ourselves to…another photoshoot! This one was at  The Inn at Claussen’s–the place we spent our wedding night–and Wendy busted our her birthday purchases:

And if you think blondes have more fun, you haven’t seen anything yet:

So yeah, that’s my wife.

I am more grateful than I can express to have had the joy of spending the last three years of my life with her. She is my constant inspiration and the love of my life. Thank you for three amazing years, Baby, and happy birthday!