Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Archive for March, 2009

Eric & Marcy’s Wedding

My cousin Marcy got married over the weekend, so my mom and I drove up to Charlotte for the ceremony. I brought along my camera because, well, that’s what I do and took a few pics. Marcy was an absolutely stunning bride; Eric is, I’m sure he knows, a very lucky man.

Marcy surprised Eric during the ceremony by singing a song she had written for him. It was beautiful, and even in my most masculine moments I couldn’t fault Eric for getting a little choked up.

Marcy singing to Eric

Over at the reception, there was a table prepared especially for the children at the wedding consisting of nothing but chips and candy. Given the speed with which it was decimated, I think some adults may have visited it as well.

Table of candy at Eric and Marcy's wedding in Charlotte, NC

It’s a good thing they had prepared for the kids, though, because they showed up in droves.

A collection of adorable kids from Eric and Marcy's wedding

White wedding cake with pink and white roses

Fortunately, the adults (or those adult enough to stay away from the kids’ table) weren’t left out in the cold. The cake was not only beautiful, but delicious. (I wonder how it would have done with gummi bears?)

Not all the cake, however, ended up in the guests’ mouths.

Bride shoving wedding cake into groom's nose

Eric & Marcy’s Wedding

My cousin Marcy got married over the weekend, so my mom and I drove up to Charlotte for the ceremony. I brought along my camera because, well, that’s what I do and took a few pics. Marcy was an absolutely stunning bride; Eric is, I’m sure he knows, a very lucky man.

Marcy surprised Eric during the ceremony by singing a song she had written for him. It was beautiful, and even in my most masculine moments I couldn’t fault Eric for getting a little choked up.

Marcy singing to Eric

Over at the reception, there was a table prepared especially for the children at the wedding consisting of nothing but chips and candy. Given the speed with which it was decimated, I think some adults may have visited it as well.

Table of candy at Eric and Marcy's wedding in Charlotte, NC

It’s a good thing they had prepared for the kids, though, because they showed up in droves.

A collection of adorable kids from Eric and Marcy's wedding

White wedding cake with pink and white roses

Fortunately, the adults (or those adult enough to stay away from the kids’ table) weren’t left out in the cold. The cake was not only beautiful, but delicious. (I wonder how it would have done with gummi bears?)

Not all the cake, however, ended up in the guests’ mouths.

Bride shoving wedding cake into groom's nose