Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘e-session’

White Point Gardens Engagement – Ana+Peter

A couple of weeks ago Wendy and I headed down to Charleston to photograph an engagement session at White point Gardens with Ana and Peter.

Peter and Ana in front of the sunset in Charleston

If Ana looks familiar, it’s probably because you remember the portraits we made of her family a couple of years ago.

Portrait of mom and three daughters(Any excuse to show off this beautiful family again.)

Well, now the family is growing with the addition of Peter…and his family is growing with the addition of Ana…so everybody wins.

Peter and Ana in White Point Gardens

It was a gorgeous day in Charleston for photos but it was also a little chilly (at least for South Carolina), so we kind of had Peter and Ana snuggle up a good bit. They were such good sports about it–Peter didn’t seem to mind wrapping his arms around Ana one bit.

Peter hugging Ana during their engagement session in Charleston, SC

Peter looking suave with Ana Click here to read more.

White Point Gardens Engagement – Ana+Peter

A couple of weeks ago Wendy and I headed down to Charleston to photograph an engagement session at White point Gardens with Ana and Peter.

Peter and Ana in front of the sunset in Charleston

If Ana looks familiar, it’s probably because you remember the portraits we made of her family a couple of years ago.

Portrait of mom and three daughters(Any excuse to show off this beautiful family again.)

Well, now the family is growing with the addition of Peter…and his family is growing with the addition of Ana…so everybody wins.

Peter and Ana in White Point Gardens

It was a gorgeous day in Charleston for photos but it was also a little chilly (at least for South Carolina), so we kind of had Peter and Ana snuggle up a good bit. They were such good sports about it–Peter didn’t seem to mind wrapping his arms around Ana one bit.

Peter hugging Ana during their engagement session in Charleston, SC

Peter looking suave with Ana Click here to read more.

Engagement Session: Brian and Sara

When I moved back to Columbia for my Master’s, Brian was one of the first new friends I made. That’s probably because he was one of the few people who spent as much time in Cool Beans as I did. It’s also because we fall easily into lengthy conversations that span topics ranging from literature to educational theory to whether the latest superhero movie is likely to be any good. I didn’t meet Sara until much later, but I taught with her (awesome) mom for several years. In fact, after Brian and Sara had been dating a while, her mom asked my opinion on Brian. (Don’t worry, Brian, I gave you a good review!)

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

Let’s talk about the lovely couple, though. First off, I think that they may have the best jobs of any couple we’ve photographed so far. Brian is a writer/professor. No, really, a real writer. He’s on Amazon and everything. (By the way, that link leads to his novel Through a Pale Door. The protagonist’s name in that novel? Sarah. Yeah, there’s an ‘h’ at the end, but I’m assuming that’s a typesetting error. Did I mention that he wrote Through a Pale Door a few years before he met Sara? Or that the protagonist of the first novel of his that I ever read was named Sarah? I’m not saying Brian is prescient or anything, but…) Anyway, I’m kind of disappointed that he didn’t show up for the engagement session in a tweed jacket with suede elbow patches, but it was a good reminder to me to always consult on wardrobe.

Photobombed by a flower

Holding hands

Sara, on the other hand, works with monkeys, apes, and small mammals, which you’ll know, if you’ve ever taught, is pretty much just like teaching. Hah! I kid! (Not really.)


But yeah, I definitely picture the two of them teaming up, getting some grant money, and finally finding out just how many monkeys typing it takes to produce the Twilight series*.

I call this my "paparrazi shot"

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

Don't they look debonair?

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

We finished up the shoot in Cool Beans, because love goes better with coffee…

Brian and Sara at the bst coffee shop in the world!

…and Battlestar Galactica reenactments.


Battlestar Galactica dog tags and engagement ring



*(I’m kidding, of course. Everyone knows the answer is three monkeys, plus a bottle of cheap gin.)

Hans+Lou: Engagement Photos of a Couple Sweeter than Pi

It’s the same old story: boy math teacher who loves theatre meets girl math teacher who loves theatre…it’s simple addition, really. Until the kids come–then it’s multiplication. In any case, it certainly doesn’t involve any bad math puns.

Hans and Lou are a couple of polymaths whose I’ve been privileged to know for the past several years (well, Hans, mostly). Apart from their knowledge of the arithmetic, geometric, and trigonometric arts they tread the boards as actors, Lou has a spectacular singing voice and Hans, as far as I can tell, picked up landscape painting in a single weekend with the help of a Bob Ross DVD. On top of all that, they’re playful, funny, and kind. It’s always delightful to see two great people who fit together so well find each other.

We can’t wait to photograph your wedding, guys!


Gee your forehead smells wonderful!

Hans + Lou

Hans + LouHans + Lou in black and white

Hans+Lou Engagement Pictures

Hans + Lou + The Gervais Street Bridge

Hans+ Lou by the Gervais Street Bridge

Are they cute or what?

Engagement Session: Melissa and Brandon

First off, we’d like to wish a very happy Thanksgiving to all our visitors. We have had an amazing 2010, and have more to be thankful for than we can possibly recount here. Leaving aside family, friends, health, safety, awesome television shows, peppermint milkshakes, Snuggies, and pre-cooked, pre-sliced ham, we have the absolute most wonderful, most beautiful clients we could ask for. Furthermore, we have folks like you, who visit us here and who share our photos with your friends. It’s tremendously encouraging that people are visiting our site and enjoying what we do and love. Thank you for being a part of that.

Now on to the photos!

We first met Brandon and Melissa a couple of years ago and, I’ll be perfectly honest here, started thinking about how to get them as clients. True, they weren’t engaged yet, but they were so cute together and so clearly in love that we were pretty sure which way they were headed. Turns out we were right!

The two of them drove down to Columbia on a beautiful and mercifully cool day in October and we got to hang out and photograph them. The clouds were gorgeous, so we tried to make the most of it, as you’ll see below.

We also decided to use the river as a backdrop for a bit, which was great, until a small fleet (fleetlet?) of brightly-colored kayaks came floating by. Well, most of them came floating by; one got stuck immediately behind Brandon and Melissa for a couple of minutes. I’ll spare you the photos.

A kiss to celebrate the kayaker getting un-stuck!

We decided one side of the river wasn’t enough, so we went to the other side.

The sky continued to cooperate nicely.

It was really hard choosing photos for this post because these two have so many wonderful expressions.

Like this laugh!

This next one is one of my favorite shots of the day. I think a bug  may have flown into Brandon’s mouth, but he handled it with aplomb.

So there you have it!

We’re looking forward to Melissa and Brandon’s wedding, as well as all our other 2011 weddings! In the meantime, though, we hope that you have a restful, thankful holiday surrounded by lots of delicious food (like sweet potato casserole with pecan, not marshmallow topping), and, of course, the ones you love.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sarah & Kyle: Engagement Portraits

A couple of weeks ago Wendy and I headed up to Spartanburg to photograph Kyle and Sarah’s engagement session. Though we know Sarah’s brother, Matt (Isaiah’s dad), it was our first time meeting her and Kyle. As it happens, it was also our last chance to meet Kyle before the wedding, since he was flying back to his home in California the following day and wouldn’t be back until the wedding.

Now, I can’t imagine what it would be like to be away from your fiancee for more than a  month immediately before your wedding, but I think when you see the energy between these two, you’ll get some idea of how they feel about each other, and how much they are already looking forward to being reunited.

I swear at no point did we ask them to look like J. Crew models. They did that on their own.

Oh yeah, apparently looking spookily like Scarlett Johansson also comes naturally to Sarah. Click here to read more.