Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog

Kody’s Newborn Photos

Remember the recent maternity portraits we took of Kristina? It turns out Kristina was even pregnant-er than we thought, because look who’s here!

Newborn baby


That’s right, Kody arrived less than two weeks after his mom’s maternity shoot. He was also very prompt in showing up to have his newborn photos taken, because here he is checking in at just 6 days old!

sleeping newborn


Fortunately, he appears to have used all of his post-natal free time to practice being cute for the camera. Here’s his mom appreciating some of that adorableness.

Mother with infant

And here’s dad joining in on the action.

Photo of mother and father with newborn

Baby brother Kyle even got into a photo or two despite us having rudely interrupted his nap.

Baby inside heart made of train tracks while brother plays nearby

Newborn inside heart made of train tracks

Welcome to the world, Kody! We’re looking forward to getting to know you as you grow!

Kody’s Newborn Photos

Remember the recent maternity portraits we took of Kristina? It turns out Kristina was even pregnant-er than we thought, because look who’s here!

Newborn baby


That’s right, Kody arrived less than two weeks after his mom’s maternity shoot. He was also very prompt in showing up to have his newborn photos taken, because here he is checking in at just 6 days old!

sleeping newborn


Fortunately, he appears to have used all of his post-natal free time to practice being cute for the camera. Here’s his mom appreciating some of that adorableness.

Mother with infant

And here’s dad joining in on the action.

Photo of mother and father with newborn

Baby brother Kyle even got into a photo or two despite us having rudely interrupted his nap.

Baby inside heart made of train tracks while brother plays nearby

Newborn inside heart made of train tracks

Welcome to the world, Kody! We’re looking forward to getting to know you as you grow!

Babies and Bug-Vacuums

We have a new niece!

In May, our sister and brother-in-law Betsy and Loren welcomed a new little girl into their family. We’re delighted to introduce Lydia:

Columbia newborn photography

(She’s pleased to meet you.)

In case you’re new to this blog, Lydia is baby sister to Brooke

Little girl in a pink tutu(I swear we did not pose her. This is just what she does in front of a camera.)

Little girl in a pink tutu

…and Ethan.

Little boy missing teeth


Brooke and Ethan are loving this adorable new addition to their family. Specifically, when Wendy asked Ethan what he enjoyed most about his new sister he replied, “I like it when she’s awake and isn’t crying.” (I imagine that’s a sentiment a lot of new parents can identify with, too.)

Mother and baby

As far as we can tell, so far Lydia’s favorite things are eating, her brother and sister (Teachers, feel free to use this sentence as an example of the importance of proper comma placement.), and the bass line to Chic’s 1979 hit “Good Times”.

You might also recognize that as the bass line from The Sugar Hill Gang’s “Rapper’s Delight”, but Wendy went with the closest approximation with which she was familiar: Queen’s “Another One Bites the Dust”. (On that alone I nominate her for coolest and, simultaneously, most kid-inappropriate aunt.)

Obviously, we had to get some photos of our precious new niece.

Baby with tongue out


Betsy and Lydia

Wendy also just finished painting a series of canvases for Lydia’s room to, I guess, remind her parents which kid lives in there. Wendy constantly amazes me; despite not having painted in years, she picked up her acrylics and brought these little faeries to life. (I’m a big fan of the one with the ‘A’.)

Canvas baby name

While we were visiting, we also gave Brooke and Ethan one of the coolest toys I’ve seen: hand-held bug-vacuums. (Don’t worry, folks, no bugs were harmed in the making of this blog post (well, maybe a couple of mosquitoes), and all the fireflies were released.) Basically, they’re clear plastic tubes with a gentle vacuum attached that pulls bugs in and then lets you observe them up close through a magnifying glass. The kids loved them. They also caught a lot of fireflies.

      Little boy


Loren and Brooke

Yes, Wendy actually captured an illuminated firefly sitting on Brooke’s fingers. Also, Brooke poses like a champ.

Little girl with lightning bug

Keep and eye out for more photos of Lydia (and Brooke and Ethan, of course), as we predict years of escalating cuteness!

Kyle: Baby Photos

Do you guys remember Kristina and Kevin? Well, baby Kyle has arrived, and there’s not much to say, except that he’s super-adorable.

Baby and mother

Baby with mother

He likes to snuggle with his mom.

Photo of baby with mother

One thing about Kyle is that he’s hungry. I believe he likes to eat roughly every eight minutes. What’s a photographer to do while waiting for him to eat, though? Photograph his brothers, of course!


Lexi has his doubts about all this

Diego is not easy to photograph

Once he was well fed (again), Kyle went back to being compliant and snuggly.


We wrapped up the session with a few of Kyle and dad.

Baby and father

Congratulations, Kristina and Kevin! Kyle is adorable! We’re looking forward to photographing him again in the near future!

Newborn Photos: Lily

I’ve got a quick post for you this morning because I wanted you all to meet my newborn second cousin, Lily.

Lily arrived last Wednesday, healthy and beautiful, and her parents brought her over yesterday for her very first photo session. I dare say the camera loves her.

Newborn poses with her hands on her cheeks in Columbia, SC

Here’s Lily just chillin’ in her bow and tutu, like ya’ do.

And here are her precious baby feet.

Baby feet

New parents kissing their baby

A baby being held by its parents

A sleepy baby girl wearing a pink bow

We’ve been praying for this little girl for a long time, and, while I haven’t actually asked if she’s named after Lily Potter, we certainly think she’s magical.

Baby Photos: Amelia

My friend Brandi teaches elementary school. When she announced to her class a few years ago that she was getting married one of her students piped up excitedly: “You’re gonna’ have a baby!”

As it happens, Brandi did have a baby a few years later, but we’ll get to that little guy in a later post. See, Wendy and I photographed Danny and Becky’s wedding a few years ago, and this past summer, they added a little one to their family. Meet Amelia.

Baby photographed on black background

Precious, huh? Here’s another.

Remember guys, baby-curls will get your biceps ripped.

Of course, when adding a baby to your family’s number, there’s always the possibility that other family members will be apprehensive. That was the case with Emmy.

Fortunately, whatever doubts Emmy had she got over quickly, and now she and Amelia are great buds, even if Amelia does pull her ears from time to time.

Since we took these photos, Amelia has only gotten cuter, which is impressive given how cute she was to begin with.

I hope everyone is having a better week now that Wikipedia is back up. Remember to fight internet censorship, lest little ones like Amelia grow up in a world where they don’t even know the meaning of “Rickrolled.”