Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Archive for August, 2009

Lollapalooza 2009: Day 1

Lollapalooza 2009 was a three-day music festival held August 7-9 in Chicago’s Grant Park. Lunch Money got to be a part of this extravaganza of awesomeness, playing two shows on the Kidzapalooza stage. What follows is a brief photographic journey through our first day, with posts for days 2 and 3 to come.

We (maybe I should say Jay) drove into Chicago at around 12:30am on Friday morning.

Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge

Chicago’s finest came out to greet the crowd.

Chicago police prepare for Lollapalooza

Although Lollapalooza is pretty much packed with music fans of every age, Kidzapalooza aims at a decidedly younger (and more adorable) demographic.

Lucy contemplates her ice cream

Yeah, I know. I’m pushing into Cute Overload territory.

Henry rocks out

That’s Henry rocking out as he plays his part in “HEY! YOU’RE A ROCK STAR!”, a short interactive play put on by The Cool Table, a Chicago improv comedy troupe. Henry was the guitarist in “Sponge Blue Square Blue”, the greatest rock band the world has ever known.

It's the hair

The little guy above didn’t have a role in “HEY! YOU’RE A ROCK STAR!”, but he played his part by watching from the sidelines and having excellent hair.

Meanwhile, the child below practiced for a life of indie rock shows by looking vaguely put-upon by the whole affair.

What are you lookin' at?

In addition to the adorableness, though, there was also awesome kids music to be heard.

There was Frances England, who I got to meet for the first time (she’s awesome!):

Frances England

…and Secret Agent 23 Skidoo always gets the crowd on its feet…

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo

At the end of the day, Lunch Money played, and it was every bit as warm and toasty as it looks.

Lunch Money: The Soggy Edition

But fortunately Lucy figured out the key to a good first day at Lollapalooza–a good umbrella.

Lucy with her umbrella

By the time we finished playing at the end of day 1, we were all pretty worn out, so that’s about it for pictures from that day. Come back soon, though, for pictures from the second and third days of Lollapalooza, including more kiddie cuteness and even a band or two.

Lollapalooza 2009: Day 1

Lollapalooza 2009 was a three-day music festival held August 7-9 in Chicago’s Grant Park. Lunch Money got to be a part of this extravaganza of awesomeness, playing two shows on the Kidzapalooza stage. What follows is a brief photographic journey through our first day, with posts for days 2 and 3 to come.

We (maybe I should say Jay) drove into Chicago at around 12:30am on Friday morning.

Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge

Chicago’s finest came out to greet the crowd.

Chicago police prepare for Lollapalooza

Although Lollapalooza is pretty much packed with music fans of every age, Kidzapalooza aims at a decidedly younger (and more adorable) demographic.

Lucy contemplates her ice cream

Yeah, I know. I’m pushing into Cute Overload territory.

Henry rocks out

That’s Henry rocking out as he plays his part in “HEY! YOU’RE A ROCK STAR!”, a short interactive play put on by The Cool Table, a Chicago improv comedy troupe. Henry was the guitarist in “Sponge Blue Square Blue”, the greatest rock band the world has ever known.

It's the hair

The little guy above didn’t have a role in “HEY! YOU’RE A ROCK STAR!”, but he played his part by watching from the sidelines and having excellent hair.

Meanwhile, the child below practiced for a life of indie rock shows by looking vaguely put-upon by the whole affair.

What are you lookin' at?

In addition to the adorableness, though, there was also awesome kids music to be heard.

There was Frances England, who I got to meet for the first time (she’s awesome!):

Frances England

…and Secret Agent 23 Skidoo always gets the crowd on its feet…

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo

At the end of the day, Lunch Money played, and it was every bit as warm and toasty as it looks.

Lunch Money: The Soggy Edition

But fortunately Lucy figured out the key to a good first day at Lollapalooza–a good umbrella.

Lucy with her umbrella

By the time we finished playing at the end of day 1, we were all pretty worn out, so that’s about it for pictures from that day. Come back soon, though, for pictures from the second and third days of Lollapalooza, including more kiddie cuteness and even a band or two.

Lauren: Bridal

I’m fairly certain that we’ve never included military hardware in a bridal shoot. Today we remedy that.

Lauren started off her bridal shoot at our place with some shots on a simple gray background.

Lauren strikes a coy pose

Lauren blows a kiss

Lauren looks shy

One of the wonderful things about photographing Lauren, though, is that the shots didn’t stay simple for long.

Lauren in her cowboy hat

After breaking out the cowboy hat, Lauren showed off her United States Air Force garter. (If I were single I would have actually tried to catch this one.)

The Air Force garter

We didn’t stay in one place for too long on this shoot, though. Next we headed over to the South Carolina State House where we took this shot on the gorgeous marble floor.  (Doesn’t her dress look like something Marilyn Monroe might have worn?)

Lauren on the floor at the South Carolina State House

By this point, we’d been shooting for a couple of hours, so we thought Lauren deserved a break.

Lauren chills in her cowboy boots

Don’t you love the boots? You’d think that would be enough, wouldn’t you?
Not Lauren!

Lauren with combat boots and F-16

Why settle for just cowboy boots in your bridal shoot when you can also also have combat boots? (Answer: no reason at all.)

Lauren, you see, served for several years in the Air Force Reserve as a bomb loader or, as she affectionately called the position, a “load toad”. I’d love to show you tons and tons of pictures of Lauren with the F-16, but frankly, the guys at McEntire Joint National Guard Base scared me silly that I’d accidentally post something that gave away national secrets. (You might note that this F-16 has no weapons whatsoever on it.) The bicycles (they’re actually tricycles) in the background are apparently not weaponized…yet.

Despite my fear of being whisked away by armed men in a camouflage jeep, here’s one more picture of the beautiful bride and one serious flying machine.

Lauren, F-16, American Flag

Lauren: Wedding Dress Fitting

Today’s post is in honor of some pretty amazing women, and one of them in particular – Lauren.  In fact, these are some of the most incredible women I know.  They weren’t aware that I was going to be stealing these shots, either, so you have to give them credit for being such good sports about it (we women like to be ready for photos, am I right girls?).  Thank you so much, ladies.  I hope you’ve forgiven me for surprising you.

New voice on the blog, by the way.  This is Wendy.  Don’t worry, you’ll have J.P. back soon enough presenting you with photos of Lauren (the same beautiful girl you’ll see below) posing in front of an F-16.  You know, the kind of run-of-the-mill bridal shots you see all the time.  Seriously – an F-16!  Yes, we had fun that day.

These shots are special because, well, they’re girl time shots.  So scroll on down to take a peek into the awesomeness that is the wedding dress fitting experience.

Lauren at David's Bridal

That’s Lauren.  She’s ready to do this thing.  Isn’t she glowing?

We weren’t about to let Lauren try on her perfected bridal gown without having a look ourselves, so Brandi, Natalie, Ashley and I came along for the adventure.  Even though the four of us had already walked down the aisle, we couldn’t help but peruse the colorful bridesmaids’ dresses and delicate white veils.



Finally, Lauren emerged from the dressing room in a gorgeous, silky gown that made me think of something Marilyn Monroe might wear.  And there was even more glowing!

Lauren in her wedding gown

Lauren in her wedding dress

The wonderfully helpful and sweet women at David’s Bridal helped us understand the workings of Lauren’s bustle.

The awesome seamstress instructs the ladies on the bustle

The girls learn to bustle

Do the bustle, Ashley!

That part took a while.

Natalie does the bustle!

The bustle! The bustle!

Lauren didn’t seem to mind.

Lauren in her wedding dress

After that, she tried on her air force garter (check back for a close-up of this baby – it so, so rocks!)…

Lauren tries on her Air Force garter

…and we all enjoyed some just-us-girls conversation with the bride-to-be.

Girl talk

Group shot?  Why not?

All the girls

Wedding dresses are so much fun!  Writing this post makes me want to go put mine on again and just laze around in it.

Thanks for stickin’ with the post.  Check back to see a bride wearing combat boots and standing next to a very impressive-looking airplane.