Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘Lunch Money’

Lunch Money at RCPL

Last weekend, I joined the groupies of the coolest kids’ rock band around at one of the hippest locations in town.  I’m talkin’ about Lunch Money, and I’m talkin’ about the Richland County Public Library.  Seriously, how many single locations can you think of where your kid can (1) get story and sing-a-long time, (2) watch a play put on by local actors, and (3) hear an indie-rock concert all in one morning before you pick up your favorite brain candy on the way out?  Oh yeah – and all of this is essentially for free, not to mention the bonus of a child ready for nap time once the excitement has come to an end.  J.P. and I don’t have kids yet, but I’m taking notes.

Here’s Lunch Money.  They will rock your socks off!

Click here to read more.

Lunch Money at RCPL

Last weekend, I joined the groupies of the coolest kids’ rock band around at one of the hippest locations in town.  I’m talkin’ about Lunch Money, and I’m talkin’ about the Richland County Public Library.  Seriously, how many single locations can you think of where your kid can (1) get story and sing-a-long time, (2) watch a play put on by local actors, and (3) hear an indie-rock concert all in one morning before you pick up your favorite brain candy on the way out?  Oh yeah – and all of this is essentially for free, not to mention the bonus of a child ready for nap time once the excitement has come to an end.  J.P. and I don’t have kids yet, but I’m taking notes.

Here’s Lunch Money.  They will rock your socks off!

Click here to read more.

Lake Eden Arts Festival

LEAF is an annual festival that takes place in Black Mountain, NC in the fall.  Lunch Money played there this year, and I got to come along for the ride… and the entire soul soothing experience. :)  If you’re not yet familiar with Lunch Money, you need to be.  The band: Molly Ledford, Jay Barry, and J.P. (my J.P.).  Molly writes the songs, which have a playful yet cerebral quality.  Her lyrics always throw me back to my own childhood.  This is music that adults love just as much as kids!

Lunch Money rocks out at LEAF

Lunch Money rocks out at LEAF

Lunch Money at Lake Eden Arts Festival in Black Mountain, NC

The band rocked out both Saturday and Sunday afternoon, and an audience bundled in coats, mittens and hats couldn’t help but move with the beat.

Lunch Money rocks out at LEAF

kids rockin out to Lunch Money music at LEAF

kids rockin out to Lunch Money music at LEAF

kids rockin out to Lunch Money music at LEAF

kids rockin out to Lunch Money music at LEAF

During the Lunch Money show, Lucy kept shooting me these adorable smiles and then trying to hide behind Henry’s head.  Finally, I pulled out the camera and caught her!

kid smile

Henry, Lucy and I got to spend some quality time together while the band was setting up and breaking down.  We had faces painted and heads adorned in balloon hats.  We also visited the dress-up tent to try on masks, swords, feather boas and sparkly fairy wings.  Henry was thoroughly enthralled with the instrument petting zoo, and Lucy was delighted to skip through the kid market.  Bubbles and bonbons seemed to be floating everywhere.  There was plenty around to keep a kid happy all day.

face painting at LEAF

bubbles at LEAF

Lake Eden Arts Festival in Black Mountain, NC

LEAF was a wonderful time to experience art, nature, good food and great music.  It was, however, freezing cold. Fortunately, our next post (three posts in a week!) contains the perfect solution to chilliness. If you’ve ever wanted to stay warm without raising your heating bill or longed to join a cult, the next post is for you!

Lollapalooza 2009: Day 1

Lollapalooza 2009 was a three-day music festival held August 7-9 in Chicago’s Grant Park. Lunch Money got to be a part of this extravaganza of awesomeness, playing two shows on the Kidzapalooza stage. What follows is a brief photographic journey through our first day, with posts for days 2 and 3 to come.

We (maybe I should say Jay) drove into Chicago at around 12:30am on Friday morning.

Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge

Chicago’s finest came out to greet the crowd.

Chicago police prepare for Lollapalooza

Although Lollapalooza is pretty much packed with music fans of every age, Kidzapalooza aims at a decidedly younger (and more adorable) demographic.

Lucy contemplates her ice cream

Yeah, I know. I’m pushing into Cute Overload territory.

Henry rocks out

That’s Henry rocking out as he plays his part in “HEY! YOU’RE A ROCK STAR!”, a short interactive play put on by The Cool Table, a Chicago improv comedy troupe. Henry was the guitarist in “Sponge Blue Square Blue”, the greatest rock band the world has ever known.

It's the hair

The little guy above didn’t have a role in “HEY! YOU’RE A ROCK STAR!”, but he played his part by watching from the sidelines and having excellent hair.

Meanwhile, the child below practiced for a life of indie rock shows by looking vaguely put-upon by the whole affair.

What are you lookin' at?

In addition to the adorableness, though, there was also awesome kids music to be heard.

There was Frances England, who I got to meet for the first time (she’s awesome!):

Frances England

…and Secret Agent 23 Skidoo always gets the crowd on its feet…

Secret Agent 23 Skidoo

At the end of the day, Lunch Money played, and it was every bit as warm and toasty as it looks.

Lunch Money: The Soggy Edition

But fortunately Lucy figured out the key to a good first day at Lollapalooza–a good umbrella.

Lucy with her umbrella

By the time we finished playing at the end of day 1, we were all pretty worn out, so that’s about it for pictures from that day. Come back soon, though, for pictures from the second and third days of Lollapalooza, including more kiddie cuteness and even a band or two.