Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Archive for July, 2009

Tamy’s Grandbabies

I know, I know, I promised pictures of six adorable kids almost two weeks ago. Well, I’m finally following through. Sorry to keep you waiting.

These are some photos of the youngest generation of one of the coolest families I’ve ever known. I grew up with the kids and now they’ve gone and had kids of their own. Their mom asked Wendy and me to get some family photos of the lot of them, and I can’t say no to Tamy. The result was an absolute blast, but it definitely increased my respect for my buddy Rebekah and other photographers who are especially adept at kids and families. Did you know, for instance, that infants will not necessarily look at the camera when you ask them to? I mean, what are these kids thinking? They’re grandmother is paying good money for these pictures and they’re more interested in the dog than they are in looking good in their family portrait.

I blame television.

All kidding aside, bask in the adorableness that is Tamy’s family. First off, the twins.

Baby roar

Baby girlCan you guess which is the boy and which is the girl?
(Insert Dora the Explorer pause)
You’re right! Was it the haircuts that gave it away?

Little girl

Little girl close up

Little girl getting kissed

This little guy wanted to show his cousin some affection. After all, doesn’t everybody love a kiss?

Baby attempts to eat cousin's noseAdmittedly, this may have been excessive.

Yuck!Even he seems to agree.
(Chalk it up to a life lesson, kid.)

Little girl plays outside

Backlit little girl

Little girl with book

Do you think this photo presages their future relationship?

Twin babies

Argh! Can’t make…snarky…comment…baby feet…too…cute!

Adorable baby toes

While we were shooting, Tamy quoted these lyrics from the musical Annie to me and I thought they’d go nicely here:

Some women are dripping with diamonds,
Some women are dripping with pearls.
Lucky me! Lucky me!
Look at what I’m dripping with:
Little girls!

Tamy with her girls

Tamy’s Grandbabies

I know, I know, I promised pictures of six adorable kids almost two weeks ago. Well, I’m finally following through. Sorry to keep you waiting.

These are some photos of the youngest generation of one of the coolest families I’ve ever known. I grew up with the kids and now they’ve gone and had kids of their own. Their mom asked Wendy and me to get some family photos of the lot of them, and I can’t say no to Tamy. The result was an absolute blast, but it definitely increased my respect for my buddy Rebekah and other photographers who are especially adept at kids and families. Did you know, for instance, that infants will not necessarily look at the camera when you ask them to? I mean, what are these kids thinking? They’re grandmother is paying good money for these pictures and they’re more interested in the dog than they are in looking good in their family portrait.

I blame television.

All kidding aside, bask in the adorableness that is Tamy’s family. First off, the twins.

Baby roar

Baby girlCan you guess which is the boy and which is the girl?
(Insert Dora the Explorer pause)
You’re right! Was it the haircuts that gave it away?

Little girl

Little girl close up

Little girl getting kissed

This little guy wanted to show his cousin some affection. After all, doesn’t everybody love a kiss?

Baby attempts to eat cousin's noseAdmittedly, this may have been excessive.

Yuck!Even he seems to agree.
(Chalk it up to a life lesson, kid.)

Little girl plays outside

Backlit little girl

Little girl with book

Do you think this photo presages their future relationship?

Twin babies

Argh! Can’t make…snarky…comment…baby feet…too…cute!

Adorable baby toes

While we were shooting, Tamy quoted these lyrics from the musical Annie to me and I thought they’d go nicely here:

Some women are dripping with diamonds,
Some women are dripping with pearls.
Lucky me! Lucky me!
Look at what I’m dripping with:
Little girls!

Tamy with her girls

Loren: Uniform at Night

If you’ve read this blog more than once, you’ve probably encountered a reference to Loren, our photographically-gifted, adorable-nephew-making brother-in-law. What you might not know, though, is that in addition to his aforementioned talents, Loren is also a lieutenant in the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. If I try to explain exactly what that is I’ll fail miserably, so I’ll simply call it the “meditary” and assure you that he’s working to protect us all from the Swine Flu.

Ever since Loren took his position with the Commissioned Corps I’ve had the photographs below in mind. When Wendy and I visited with Loren, Betsy, and Ethan in Hilton Head back in June I finally got a chance to actually take the pictures. Big thanks to Loren for dressing up in his uniform, going out on a hot South Carolina night, and getting eaten by mosquitoes while while we took these photos in the dark next to a graveyard.

Loren in uniform in front of flag close-up

Loren poses in uniform in front of an American flag

Don’t worry, those six adorable kids will be showing up later this week. Check back soon.

Danielle Howle

I can’t begin to guess at the reasons, but South Carolina is home to more amazingly talented (and frequently underrated) musicians than it has any right to. In particular, three of the most talented songwriters that I have ever encountered currently call the Palmetto State home. Now, I’m in a band with one of them, so to gush about how preposterously gifted she is might seem immodest. Therefore, I simply won’t mention how astounding Molly Ledford is, or even bring up her hibernating adult project The Verna Cannon. Instead, I’ll start with Jay Clifford, a long-time resident of Charleston and former frontman of Jump, Little Children. I’m afraid words will fail me if I try to describe Jump, so I’ll stick with letting you know that I saw them perform live around fifty times during high school and college, maybe more. I like ’em a lot.

That leaves Danielle Howle.

Capturing life as it is experienced by a diverse array of characters, she explores topics as wide-ranging as the loss of a mother, being the wife of a philandering husband, and being a teenager who doesn’t fit in with the girls who have “big puffy girl handwriting”.

But I’m not writing an album review.

Danielle, on top of her amazing talent, is also just a great person. Wendy and I asked her to perform at our wedding and she graciously agreed. I suspect that many of our guests didn’t fully appreciate just what a treat they were getting, but we did get quite a few comments that, “That girl who sang at your wedding–she was really good.”
Apparently Bob Dylan, The Indigo Girls and Ani DiFranco thought so, too, since she’s opened for all of them.

Danielle is currently an artist in residence at Awendaw Green, a new music venue in Awendaw, South Carolina. (If you knew that there was a place called ‘Awendaw’ in South Carolina, please give yourself a pat on the back; it was news to me.) Wendy and I drove down to Awendaw last Friday to get some pictures with Danielle, and the following are a few we particularly like. We hope you’ll like them, too.

Danielle Howle on a swing in the sun

We hung out at the home of a friend of Danielle’s who lives on the Intracoastal Waterway.

Danielle by the water

Danielle on the dock

Danielle looking off on the dock

Danielle kept pointing schools of fish out to us and suggested that they might even attract dolphins. I think I have a somewhat idealized view of dolphins as a result of their portrayal in movies and on television because my first thought was that they’d like to play with the fish…

…then I realized fish don’t like to play the games dolphins play with fish.

Danielle decided to play with the fish as well, and her game was no more fish-friendly than what the dolphins had in mind.

Danielle casts a net(No fish were harmed in the making of this blog. Seriously, she didn’t catch anything.)

For this next photo, I feel it’s important to note that neither Wendy nor I suggested that Danielle climb this tree. It was totally her idea.  If you decide you’d like us to photograph you, it’s far more likely we’ll instruct you to recline languidly on a couch.

Danielle in a tree

What can I say? Danielle likes trees.

Danielle up a tree

Well, now you’ve seen her, it’s time to go listen to her music. Her website is currently under construction, but you can hear some songs on her MySpace page and then go become her fan on Facebook. You’ll be glad you did.

Danielle by the water

We hung out at the home of one of Danielle’s friends who lives on the Intracoastal Waterway.

Britt & Jason: Wedding Slideshow

If you’ve looked at this blog for any length of time you’re familiar with Jason and Britt by now. They’re awesome, they’re hot, they’re married.

To get the rest of the story, visit their personal page where you’ll find a link to their complete wedding gallery as well as a link to Britt’s bridal photos.  Before you do that, though, enjoy the slideshow!

(The lovely music in the first half of the slideshow is “Movie Star Faces” from the album of the same title by The Verna Cannon.)

Come back soon. There are new photos already waiting in the wings: a magnificent musician and six, count ’em, six adorable kids!