Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog

Baby Pictures: Isaiah

Meet Isaiah.  His beautiful mother Kim appeared on the blog about four months ago when Isaiah was just a bump in her belly.  Now he’s here!  And let me tell you, this little one is a serious cutie.  Get ready.  Here he is…

mom kissing baby

…getting a sneak kiss attack from Mom.

Isaiah’s hands and feet are so small and perfect.  They won’t be this tiny for long, though.  He’s growing so fast!  J.P. was amazed at how much he had plumped up since the first time they met two weeks or so prior to this shoot.

Here’s J.P.’s shot.

newborn baby toes

And here’s mine from two weeks later.

baby toes and feet

Here are a few more.

baby hands

baby sleeping

baby outdoors

baby with dad

And finally, here is Isaiah with his favorite buddy Mr. Giraffe.  Isaiah held his own for a long time during this staring contest.

baby with giraffe

We had a great time hanging out with Kim, Matt and Isaiah!  Check back later this week for some rockin’ shots from the Lake Eden Arts Festival (LEAF) and a debonair pug in black tie attire.

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One Response to “Baby Pictures: Isaiah”

  1. Loren says:

    I’m loving the natural light in these! A perfect mix of flattering/dramatic while not drawing attention away from the subject. Really great job!

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