Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog

Abby – Bridal Portraits

My beautiful cousin Abby got married today! We’re so proud of the lovely young lady she’s become and delighted that she’s found a wonderful compatriot in Parker. Congratulations, you two!

This guy decided he wanted to be a part of the shoot. Where did he want to be? On the train of the dress, of course, because he’s a cat.

Abby – Bridal Portraits

My beautiful cousin Abby got married today! We’re so proud of the lovely young lady she’s become and delighted that she’s found a wonderful compatriot in Parker. Congratulations, you two!

This guy decided he wanted to be a part of the shoot. Where did he want to be? On the train of the dress, of course, because he’s a cat.

Peri’s Charleston Bridal Portraits

Peri and Steven are married! While we put the finishing touches on their wedding photos, we thought you might like to see just how beautiful a bride Peri is.


“Really, really beautiful” is how beautiful, by the way. We would also have accepted, “incredibly beautiful”, “stunningly beautiful”, or “astonishingly beautiful.”


We had the beautiful backdrop of Hampton Park in Charleston for these portraits, which were apparently so attractive that some of the local fauna decided to try to get in on the action. (Honestly, I like the grey over white look, but the black hat might be a little formal for an outdoor wedding.)


Peri is a graduate of the College of Charleston, so we decided to pay the cistern a visit.



I love the way her skin glows is this golden light!


Peri’s shoes are from the awesome Charleston Shoe Company. Apart from being local, their shoes are handmade and, I’m told, incredibly comfortable.


Peri and her family love the water so we had to get some shots that incorporated it. (Thank you for being so brave!)

Bride by the docks in Charleston, SC

Finally, the light was just about to die so we stopped right where we were on the Battery to shoot. Turns out this is where Steven proposed to Peri!

Peri in her bridal gown as the sun sets

We’ll have more photos from Steven and Peri in the near future, so check back soon!

Ana’s Bridal Portraits in Charleston

Peter and Ana are married!

A beautiful bride in Charleston's Hampton Park

One of the hardest parts about being a wedding photographer is waiting until the wedding day to share bridal portraits, but the big day has finally arrived, so we can share some of Ana’s bridal portraits from her session down in Charleston.

Bridal Portraits at Hampton Park

We began at Hampton park, where the light and setting were gorgeous and the ducks were fairly cooperative. Hampton Park Bridge Bridal Portraits

The light was gorgeous and so was Ana.

Ana at Hampton Park

Ana being beautiful in front of purple blooms

Next we went down to the Custom House where we were lucky enough to get an up-front parking space (a small miracle in Charleston) to capture the beautiful last rays of sun.

Ana's bridal portrait at the Custom House

Ana at the Custom House

We are Lumos Studio, though, so we’re not going to let a little thing like the sun going down stop us!

Ana at the Custom House at night

If you haven’t had a chance yet, be sure to go back and check out Peter and Ana’s engagement session at White Point Garden, and stay tuned for images from the wedding, coming soon!

Congratulations Ana and Peter!

Playful Bridal Portraits with Rosemary

Do we seem excited? It’s because we are! Partially about the season premier of The Walking Dead, but mostly about the fact that Rosey and Chris are married! And that means that we can share with you these bridal portraits that we took of Rosey!

Modern bridal portrait

You can understand our excitement, no?

Bride looking over her shoulder

Rosemary and Chris were married Saturday on Folly beach. It must have been a fairly popular date and location for weddings, because we saw one wedding to our right and another to our left just slightly later in the afternoon. I’ll give you one guess which of the three brides was the most beautiful, though…

Gorgeous bride in a field

Gorgeous bride in a field of flowers in Columbia, SC

You might remember Rosemary from our earlier posts about Gyrotonic Columbia. Since then, she’s also competed nationally in yoga. (Yeah, I didn’t know that yoga was a competitive sport either. I’d love to hear the trash talk. “You think you’re serene?! You think you’re serene?! I’ll show you serene!”) I think her hard work has paid off.

Lovely bride holding her dressThe clouds were very cooperative that evening.

Beautiful bride spinning in her wedding dress in Columbia, SC

We had a blast getting these playful bridal portraits with Rosey. On top of everything else, Rosemary is a dancer (and used to dance with Wendy) so she knows how to move!

A playful photo of the bride

Isn’t she elegant?

Isn't Rosey an elegant bride?

So dramatic!

Even in the simplest of settings, Rosey pulls of such a graceful form. She really makes our job easy.

Nobody puts Rosey in a corner! Okay, actually we do, but she works it.

Beautiful bride lying on the floor

Rosey, we love you! Thank you for being so lovely in your wedding dress and for being willing to play with us to get these photos.

Come back very soon, everyone! We’ll have a teaser from Chris and Rosey’s wedding later this week that will include yoga (non-competitive), surfing, a crazy cute baby, and an absolutely lovely bride and groom.


Bridal Portraits: Lou

We have a very quick post for you tonight as we’re currently celebrating and capturing Lou and Hans‘ wedding. We knew, though, that you’d want to see how lovely the bride is, so here are just a few from Lou’s bridal portrait session at Workshop Theatre and the State House. Enjoy, and come back soon for images from the wedding!

Columbia SC Bridal portrait

SC Statehouse bridal portrait


Statehouse bridal with purple sky