Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘SC’

Ana’s Bridal Portraits in Charleston

Peter and Ana are married!

A beautiful bride in Charleston's Hampton Park

One of the hardest parts about being a wedding photographer is waiting until the wedding day to share bridal portraits, but the big day has finally arrived, so we can share some of Ana’s bridal portraits from her session down in Charleston.

Bridal Portraits at Hampton Park

We began at Hampton park, where the light and setting were gorgeous and the ducks were fairly cooperative. Hampton Park Bridge Bridal Portraits

The light was gorgeous and so was Ana.

Ana at Hampton Park

Ana being beautiful in front of purple blooms

Next we went down to the Custom House where we were lucky enough to get an up-front parking space (a small miracle in Charleston) to capture the beautiful last rays of sun.

Ana's bridal portrait at the Custom House

Ana at the Custom House

We are Lumos Studio, though, so we’re not going to let a little thing like the sun going down stop us!

Ana at the Custom House at night

If you haven’t had a chance yet, be sure to go back and check out Peter and Ana’s engagement session at White Point Garden, and stay tuned for images from the wedding, coming soon!

Congratulations Ana and Peter!

Ana’s Bridal Portraits in Charleston

Peter and Ana are married!

A beautiful bride in Charleston's Hampton Park

One of the hardest parts about being a wedding photographer is waiting until the wedding day to share bridal portraits, but the big day has finally arrived, so we can share some of Ana’s bridal portraits from her session down in Charleston.

Bridal Portraits at Hampton Park

We began at Hampton park, where the light and setting were gorgeous and the ducks were fairly cooperative. Hampton Park Bridge Bridal Portraits

The light was gorgeous and so was Ana.

Ana at Hampton Park

Ana being beautiful in front of purple blooms

Next we went down to the Custom House where we were lucky enough to get an up-front parking space (a small miracle in Charleston) to capture the beautiful last rays of sun.

Ana's bridal portrait at the Custom House

Ana at the Custom House

We are Lumos Studio, though, so we’re not going to let a little thing like the sun going down stop us!

Ana at the Custom House at night

If you haven’t had a chance yet, be sure to go back and check out Peter and Ana’s engagement session at White Point Garden, and stay tuned for images from the wedding, coming soon!

Congratulations Ana and Peter!

White Point Gardens Engagement – Ana+Peter

A couple of weeks ago Wendy and I headed down to Charleston to photograph an engagement session at White point Gardens with Ana and Peter.

Peter and Ana in front of the sunset in Charleston

If Ana looks familiar, it’s probably because you remember the portraits we made of her family a couple of years ago.

Portrait of mom and three daughters(Any excuse to show off this beautiful family again.)

Well, now the family is growing with the addition of Peter…and his family is growing with the addition of Ana…so everybody wins.

Peter and Ana in White Point Gardens

It was a gorgeous day in Charleston for photos but it was also a little chilly (at least for South Carolina), so we kind of had Peter and Ana snuggle up a good bit. They were such good sports about it–Peter didn’t seem to mind wrapping his arms around Ana one bit.

Peter hugging Ana during their engagement session in Charleston, SC

Peter looking suave with Ana Click here to read more.

Folly Beach Wedding – Cris and Rosey

Cris and Rosey had their wedding on Folly Beach on the second weekend of October. Given that this is South Carolina, the weather was gorgeous and I still managed to get a sunburn. It was totally worth it, though!

You probably remember Rosey from her gorgeous bridal portraits. Well, now it’s time to take a look at her wedding to Cris.

Rosey, being a perfectly sane person, slept in on her wedding day, then lounged around in her pajamas while drinking mimosas and…wait, no. No. That’s not what she did at all. First, she got up at dawn and went for a jog…

Nuh-uh…then she went out on the beach and did some yoga. You know, like ya’ do.

Um, no

Rosemary’s sisters joined her in her beach yoga which I think shows a tremendous, tremendous amount of love.


But hey, at least you can always count on the guys to laze around the morning of the wedding, I mean, if they’re even awake. Cris is probably just stumbling out of bed–maybe going to play some video games before he…


Nope. He’s surfing. I didn’t even know you could surf at Folly Beach, but apparently where’s there’s a will, there’s a wave.

Laughing babyThanks, kid, I’ll be here all week.

Eventually, though, it was time to pack in the board and go get married.

Groom walking in the surf on Folly Beach

Surely at this point Rosey has settled down for some coffee or maybe…

A bride doing yoga on Folly Beach before her wedding

…she’s pointing her toe at the sky as though mocking physiology itself.

A cute baby laughs with her grandmother

I’m just cutting back to adorable baby at this point in order to show a photograph of someone I feel convinced I could take in a foot race.

Seriously, though, Rosey, it’s time to get dressed. There’s a wedding to have! You’ve got to…

A bride  does yoga before getting into her dress…do some planks before getting into your gown.

Fine, I’m just going to go take photos of the rings.


Well, eventually, everybody did decide to come in off the beach and get this wedding started.





I love this face from Cris.  Some folks look nervous during the ceremony. Not these two. (I don’t know, maybe it’s the yoga.)





After the ceremony, it was just a great time of hanging out with friends and family.


…and a little dancing on the beach.

Bride and groom kiss on Folly Beach in South Carolina

Cris and Rosey, as much as your incredibly healthy lifestyles are an inspiration, your love is even moreso. Wendy and I have loved spending time with you guys and wish you all the best in this new adventure.

If you’re not Cris or Rosey, you can tell them how beautiful they are in the comment box below, or you can check out some other weddings from people who aren’t quite so bendy.

Sherrod and Jeremy’s Wedding: Rain, the TARDIS, and Velociraptors

You’re essentially bound to think that the title of this post is misleading (though the presence of the TARDIS could explain why velociraptors showed up), but I assure you everything I have promised will make an appearance. Frankly, with stuff that cool, it’s kind of odd that I’m starting the post with a picture of a chalk board, but it says “welcome”, so at least it’s a good start thematically.


Sherrod and Jeremy got married Saturday at The River Road & Jasmine Houses and Gardens in Columbia near Lake Murray. This wedding was wonderfully whimsical and filled with joyful, fun people. Let’s start with the flowers. Roses? No. Daisies? No. How about maps?

Bouquet made of maps


No, this is not the velociraptor I promised, but it’s a darn fine impression.


Ah, now we’re really getting somewhere! No doubt all the Doctor Who fans will recognize this police call/ring box. (Frankly, when I opened it, I was a bit surprised it wasn’t bigger on the inside. Still, it fit the rings and that’s what’s important.)

Dr Who Ring Box

The whole day we labored under the threat of rain, but it was still holding out as the girls and guys started getting ready.


The Groom

3 vert bridesmaids(Did I mention that everybody was a lot of fun?)


The guys

Just as the ceremony was about to begin, a sprinkling of rain began to fall, but it did nothing to dampen anyone’s mood. Besides, isn’t rain on your wedding day supposed to be good luck?


The bride and her father

Rainy wedding

Sherrod and Jeremy wrote their own vows, which were lovely and touching.

The bride crying


By the end of the ceremony, everyone was slightly soggy, but ready to party!

Hello, ladies...

The lovely and delicious cake was provided by The Cake Professor. But…what’s that on top of the cake?


Yes, it’s a velociraptor bride and groom. In fact, the bride is even wearing a tiny engagement ring, which is absolutely lovely, but sometimes gets in the way when she’s tearing into her prey. How great is her veil, though?!

Velociraptor Wedding Cake Toppers



So there were some toasts…


…some dancing…



..and finally just some time to hang out and look gorgeous.



Jasmine House Wedding in Columbia“There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.” -The Doctor

Columbia Wedding Photography - Jasmine and River Road house


Congratulations, Sherrod and Jeremy! We had a blast with you, your family, and friends! We hope you’re having a great honeymoon and wish you a journey full of adventure and, most of all, love.

Hans + Lou – Columbia Wedding

Maybe you remember Hans and Lou, the couple sweeter than Pi? Well, they’ve moved on from engaged to the real deal–they’re married! Here are a few of our favorite images from their wedding at Trenholm Road United Methodist Church and their reception at Rockbridge Club.

We couldn’t have asked for a much more beautiful day.


Hans was ruggedly handsome, as usual.


This was a lovely detail I’d never seen before. Lou made her ring bearer’s pillow from her mother’s wedding dress. What a beautiful way to honor her parents’ marriage in her own wedding!

Ring bearer pillow made from mother's wedding dress Click here to read more.