Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog

Wedding at St. Thomas More: Andrea and Chavous

We have a great couple for you today!

Chavous and Andrea were married at St. Thomas More Catholic Chapel at the University of South Carolina. Chavous and I have known each other for quite a while and our overlapping passions for computers, college radio, photography, and philosophy mean that when we get together we usually wind up talking for quite a while. Not on the wedding day, though–he had more pressing matters to attend to.

Beautiful bride at her wedding in Columbia, SC

(If you were marrying her you’d be focused on that, too.)

Unfortunately, Chavous was in such a hurry to marry Andrea that he sliced the crap out of himself shaving. He was literally holding a handkerchief to his lip between every formal photo we did leading up to the ceremony. Of course, you can’t see the wound here because I’m such an amazing photographer. (*Cough* * Cough* Photoshop *Cough*)

The groom

Injuries aside, the wedding was lovely, with beautiful details as you can see in Wendy’s photo of Andrea’s garter.


…and the lovely bride herself.

Beautiful bride getting married at St Thomas More Chapel

Flower girl at a wedding

Wedding at St Thomas More Chapel at USC

After the ceremony, the party moved over to the Chickawa Outdoor Center at Saluda River Club where there was eating…

Cute little girl at wedding


Bride and groom dancing at the Saluda River Club

…kissing… Bride and groom kissing at their wedding at the Saluda River Club

(Okay, mostly by the bride and groom.)

Bride spinning at the Sauda River Club in SCThere was even time for a little spinning, and some lovingly looking into one another’s eyes.

Bride and groom at Saluda River Club

(…’cause that’s what you do.)

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