Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘Ballet’

Dance Portraits – Charlotte and Lillie

We’re back with more portraits of people who can do things that I (J.P.) can’t do.

Charlotte and Lillie have been dancing for many years and, based on these moves, have been working hard on it. Here Charlotte demonstrates what appears to be a still from that kung-fu/ballet crossover classic Pointe of the Dragon*.


And here you’ll see Lillie practicing her deadly “Grand Jet-Li”.

Dancer leaping Click here to read more.

Dance Portraits – Charlotte and Lillie

We’re back with more portraits of people who can do things that I (J.P.) can’t do.

Charlotte and Lillie have been dancing for many years and, based on these moves, have been working hard on it. Here Charlotte demonstrates what appears to be a still from that kung-fu/ballet crossover classic Pointe of the Dragon*.


And here you’ll see Lillie practicing her deadly “Grand Jet-Li”.

Dancer leaping Click here to read more.

Senior Photos: Anna

It’s a lot of fun when our photographic and non-photographic interests come together in a single shoot. That’s why I keep writing to Krispy Kreme offering my services. And while they have yet to return my calls, we did have the opportunity to photograph Anna’s senior portraits in December. See, Anna is a dancer as is my lovely wife Wendy. She studied classical ballet for many years and, if you’ve met her, you’ve probably noticed her grace and poise while wondering how she wound up with a guy who clearly likes Krispy Kreme doughnuts as much as I do.

Anna, though, has the grace of a dancer and, like Wendy, pairs it with beauty and a sweet spirit. We think it comes through in her photos which we took at Columbia’s 701 Whaley.

After taking some more traditional senior shots, Anna changed clothes and showed us some of her moves.

It’s fun telling someone “Jump!” over and over again while clicking a shutter button.

If you enjoyed these, feel free to check out some more senior photos or, if you’d like to book a session, senior or otherwise, drop us a line.