Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘Summit Club’

Carolyn + Dustin: A Columbia Wedding

Today we’re taking a sneak peek at Carolyn and Dustin’s wedding. Carolyn (like my gorgeous wife, Wendy) is one of three sisters, all of whom are lovely and all of whom I’ve known for several years now.  I don’t know what is is about sets of three sisters (we photographed another set recently), but it seems like they’re consistently beautiful. There’s probably some genetic explanation for it, but I prefer to believe it has to do with fairy godparents.

In keeping with fairy-tale decorum, Carolyn found a prince and got married so that suitors are free to pursue her younger sisters. (That’s how it works, right?) Of course, to marry the princess, a suitable suitor must arise. This isn’t the dark ages, though; we’re not talking about a guy on a white horse looking to score a maiden who has huge tracts of land. No, Carolyn needed to find a man who could match the passion and conviction of her beliefs, and she found just such a suitor in Dustin.

Dustin had to come from the far-off land of Colorado to find Carolyn, but I’m sure he’d agree the journey was well worth it.

Now, every princess needs her attendants, and Carolyn is no different in this respect. Here is her sister preparing for the ball…er, wedding.

But princes get to have their comrades-in-arms, too.

Every princess needs pretty things.

A gift from the prince never hurts.

…especially when it’s shiny.

Click here to read more.

Carolyn + Dustin: A Columbia Wedding

Today we’re taking a sneak peek at Carolyn and Dustin’s wedding. Carolyn (like my gorgeous wife, Wendy) is one of three sisters, all of whom are lovely and all of whom I’ve known for several years now.  I don’t know what is is about sets of three sisters (we photographed another set recently), but it seems like they’re consistently beautiful. There’s probably some genetic explanation for it, but I prefer to believe it has to do with fairy godparents.

In keeping with fairy-tale decorum, Carolyn found a prince and got married so that suitors are free to pursue her younger sisters. (That’s how it works, right?) Of course, to marry the princess, a suitable suitor must arise. This isn’t the dark ages, though; we’re not talking about a guy on a white horse looking to score a maiden who has huge tracts of land. No, Carolyn needed to find a man who could match the passion and conviction of her beliefs, and she found just such a suitor in Dustin.

Dustin had to come from the far-off land of Colorado to find Carolyn, but I’m sure he’d agree the journey was well worth it.

Now, every princess needs her attendants, and Carolyn is no different in this respect. Here is her sister preparing for the ball…er, wedding.

But princes get to have their comrades-in-arms, too.

Every princess needs pretty things.

A gift from the prince never hurts.

…especially when it’s shiny.

Click here to read more.