Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘CrossFit’

Carolina CrossFit Famously Hot Showdown – Day 2 – Teams

(Hey! If you’d like to see all 1400+ images from both days you can do that (and order if you’d like) here.)

Okay, I promised a follow up to our previous post about day one of the Famously Hot Showdown, and here it is.

I know what you’re thinking. “Man, these fitness posts can be pretty intimidating! All these people are so darn…FIT!” Don’t worry, though, because day two of the Famously Hot Showdown was teams meaning the competitors were…

A very fit guy lifting weights

…still obscenely fit. Click here to read more.

Carolina CrossFit Famously Hot Showdown – Day 2 – Teams

(Hey! If you’d like to see all 1400+ images from both days you can do that (and order if you’d like) here.)

Okay, I promised a follow up to our previous post about day one of the Famously Hot Showdown, and here it is.

I know what you’re thinking. “Man, these fitness posts can be pretty intimidating! All these people are so darn…FIT!” Don’t worry, though, because day two of the Famously Hot Showdown was teams meaning the competitors were…

A very fit guy lifting weights

…still obscenely fit. Click here to read more.

Carolina CrossFit Famously Hot Showdown – Day 1

Once again, it’s time to return to the theme of people who are in way better shape than I (J.P.) am!

Last year, you might remember, we photographed Carolina CrossFit’s Famously Hot Showdown. This year, we returned for not one, but two days of events, this time located inside their Laurel Street location. If you don’t know much about CrossFit (or if you just want to see some more photos of people who look like Greek gods and goddesses (Why do we only associate Greek gods and goddesses with great abs?  Nice marketing, Greek pantheon!)) I’d suggest checking out our last post on Carolina CrossFit here.

But you’re not here to listen to me tell you about the competition, you probably want to see very fit people engaging in feats of athleticism that would leave me gasping for air, a defibrillator, and probably a milkshake.  So here are some highlights from day 1. (Day 2 here!)

(Note: all 1400+ images from both days can now be seen and ordered here.)

An athlete does overhead squats at Carolina CrossFit's Famously Hot Showdown

A woman doing a CrossFit WOD lifts a barbell over her head Click here to read more.

Carolina CrossFit

It’s been a fairly CrossFit-filled couple of weeks here at Lumos Studio, but I did call our last post about Carolina CrossFit a “teaser”, so I guess it would be duplicitous to not share at least a few more photos from our recent shoot.

First, though, bear with me for just a tiny bit of back story. Several years ago, when Carolina CrossFit was just starting out, a friend of mine invited me to the gym to see what it was about. To abbreviate significantly, I wound up working out there for several months. If you don’t know anything about CrossFit, feel free to go read up on it–there’s far more to it than I’m going to try to explain. What I will say is this. I don’t really like exercising, but I really like CrossFit. At Carolina CrossFit I saw results almost as soon as I started working out, because if you show up and do the work, there’s essentially nothing else that can happen. Your body will change. It’s pretty much the law.

A friend of ours saw the last post and joked that he now knew he could never go to a CrossFit gym–implying that the people there were too intimidatingly fit. Yeah, yeah, I get that. The thing is, though, it’s not that CrossFit is a place for fit people, it’s that people who go to CrossFit get fit, consistently. Honestly, though, that’s not the best thing about Carolina CrossFit. It’s the people and the community that are the heart and soul of the place, and at the center of that are the owners, Paul and Dorothy.

Paul and Dorothy Beckwith

(I feel like there’s a Sesame Street “big…small” skit in there somewhere.)

And though the folks who go to CCF may look tough…

Carolina CrossFit - Columbia, SC

…they’re actually some of the friendliest people you’re likely to encounter.

Kettlebell swing

Muscular back


Working out in pearls

According to Michelle (above), she always wears her pearls when she’s working out. See, CrossFit isn’t just for girls, it’s for ladies.


CrossFit Workout


On the rings

If you’re interested in getting in the best shape of your life, no matter where you’re starting from, the folks at Carolina CrossFit can help you get there. They’ve just moved into a brand new facility in downtown Columbia, so feel free to drop by and check it out. Who knows, I might even be there. I’ll be the one lying prone on the floor gasping for air. Forgive me if I don’t say “hi”.