Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘Columbia’

Engagement Session: Brian and Sara

When I moved back to Columbia for my Master’s, Brian was one of the first new friends I made. That’s probably because he was one of the few people who spent as much time in Cool Beans as I did. It’s also because we fall easily into lengthy conversations that span topics ranging from literature to educational theory to whether the latest superhero movie is likely to be any good. I didn’t meet Sara until much later, but I taught with her (awesome) mom for several years. In fact, after Brian and Sara had been dating a while, her mom asked my opinion on Brian. (Don’t worry, Brian, I gave you a good review!)

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

Let’s talk about the lovely couple, though. First off, I think that they may have the best jobs of any couple we’ve photographed so far. Brian is a writer/professor. No, really, a real writer. He’s on Amazon and everything. (By the way, that link leads to his novel Through a Pale Door. The protagonist’s name in that novel? Sarah. Yeah, there’s an ‘h’ at the end, but I’m assuming that’s a typesetting error. Did I mention that he wrote Through a Pale Door a few years before he met Sara? Or that the protagonist of the first novel of his that I ever read was named Sarah? I’m not saying Brian is prescient or anything, but…) Anyway, I’m kind of disappointed that he didn’t show up for the engagement session in a tweed jacket with suede elbow patches, but it was a good reminder to me to always consult on wardrobe.

Photobombed by a flower

Holding hands

Sara, on the other hand, works with monkeys, apes, and small mammals, which you’ll know, if you’ve ever taught, is pretty much just like teaching. Hah! I kid! (Not really.)


But yeah, I definitely picture the two of them teaming up, getting some grant money, and finally finding out just how many monkeys typing it takes to produce the Twilight series*.

I call this my "paparrazi shot"

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

Don't they look debonair?

Brian + Sara: Engagement portrait on USC's Horseshoe

We finished up the shoot in Cool Beans, because love goes better with coffee…

Brian and Sara at the bst coffee shop in the world!

…and Battlestar Galactica reenactments.


Battlestar Galactica dog tags and engagement ring



*(I’m kidding, of course. Everyone knows the answer is three monkeys, plus a bottle of cheap gin.)

Sherrod and Jeremy’s Wedding: Rain, the TARDIS, and Velociraptors

You’re essentially bound to think that the title of this post is misleading (though the presence of the TARDIS could explain why velociraptors showed up), but I assure you everything I have promised will make an appearance. Frankly, with stuff that cool, it’s kind of odd that I’m starting the post with a picture of a chalk board, but it says “welcome”, so at least it’s a good start thematically.


Sherrod and Jeremy got married Saturday at The River Road & Jasmine Houses and Gardens in Columbia near Lake Murray. This wedding was wonderfully whimsical and filled with joyful, fun people. Let’s start with the flowers. Roses? No. Daisies? No. How about maps?

Bouquet made of maps


No, this is not the velociraptor I promised, but it’s a darn fine impression.


Ah, now we’re really getting somewhere! No doubt all the Doctor Who fans will recognize this police call/ring box. (Frankly, when I opened it, I was a bit surprised it wasn’t bigger on the inside. Still, it fit the rings and that’s what’s important.)

Dr Who Ring Box

The whole day we labored under the threat of rain, but it was still holding out as the girls and guys started getting ready.


The Groom

3 vert bridesmaids(Did I mention that everybody was a lot of fun?)


The guys

Just as the ceremony was about to begin, a sprinkling of rain began to fall, but it did nothing to dampen anyone’s mood. Besides, isn’t rain on your wedding day supposed to be good luck?


The bride and her father

Rainy wedding

Sherrod and Jeremy wrote their own vows, which were lovely and touching.

The bride crying


By the end of the ceremony, everyone was slightly soggy, but ready to party!

Hello, ladies...

The lovely and delicious cake was provided by The Cake Professor. But…what’s that on top of the cake?


Yes, it’s a velociraptor bride and groom. In fact, the bride is even wearing a tiny engagement ring, which is absolutely lovely, but sometimes gets in the way when she’s tearing into her prey. How great is her veil, though?!

Velociraptor Wedding Cake Toppers



So there were some toasts…


…some dancing…



..and finally just some time to hang out and look gorgeous.



Jasmine House Wedding in Columbia“There’s a lot of things you need to get across this universe. Warp drive… wormhole refractors… You know the thing you need most of all? You need a hand to hold.” -The Doctor

Columbia Wedding Photography - Jasmine and River Road house


Congratulations, Sherrod and Jeremy! We had a blast with you, your family, and friends! We hope you’re having a great honeymoon and wish you a journey full of adventure and, most of all, love.

Hans + Lou – Columbia Wedding

Maybe you remember Hans and Lou, the couple sweeter than Pi? Well, they’ve moved on from engaged to the real deal–they’re married! Here are a few of our favorite images from their wedding at Trenholm Road United Methodist Church and their reception at Rockbridge Club.

We couldn’t have asked for a much more beautiful day.


Hans was ruggedly handsome, as usual.


This was a lovely detail I’d never seen before. Lou made her ring bearer’s pillow from her mother’s wedding dress. What a beautiful way to honor her parents’ marriage in her own wedding!

Ring bearer pillow made from mother's wedding dress Click here to read more.

Bridal Portraits: Lou

We have a very quick post for you tonight as we’re currently celebrating and capturing Lou and Hans‘ wedding. We knew, though, that you’d want to see how lovely the bride is, so here are just a few from Lou’s bridal portrait session at Workshop Theatre and the State House. Enjoy, and come back soon for images from the wedding!

Columbia SC Bridal portrait

SC Statehouse bridal portrait


Statehouse bridal with purple sky

Freeway Music Fall Student Showcase

Welcome back!

Hopefully you’ve already seen Tuesday’s post with the first set of Freeway Music‘s Fall Student Showcase. If you haven’t, you can check it out here. The second set of the showcase continued to impress with diverse musical styles as students showed off their skills on guitar, drums, bass, and vocals. Enjoy!

Freeway-Music-Student-Showcase-009 Click here to read more.

Senior Photos: Ethan

Happy day-after-Halloween, everyone!

I hope your trick-or-treating adventures were fruitful–though not literally. Fruit is not an acceptable Halloween treat. Chocolate. Chocolate is what you should have gotten. If you’re an adult and you gave out fruit I just…I don’t even know what to say to you. Life must have beaten you down pretty badly, and I’m sorry.

Anyway, while you’re riding the sugar high of your child’s pilfered candy (or, like us, leftover candy that you hid from trick-or-treaters didn’t eat) we hope you’ll enjoy Ethan’s senior photos.

Ethan is a senior this year at Ben Lippen, and he wanted senior photos showcasing his most beloved posession: his guitar Jane.

Rock and roll senior portrait(I may have had a little too much fun with this one…)

Columbua SC Senior portraitHere the sky cooperated nicely with us. Thanks, sky. Click here to read more.