Senior Photos: Ethan
Happy day-after-Halloween, everyone!
I hope your trick-or-treating adventures were fruitful–though not literally. Fruit is not an acceptable Halloween treat. Chocolate. Chocolate is what you should have gotten. If you’re an adult and you gave out fruit I just…I don’t even know what to say to you. Life must have beaten you down pretty badly, and I’m sorry.
Anyway, while you’re riding the sugar high of your child’s pilfered candy (or, like us, leftover candy that you hid from trick-or-treaters didn’t eat) we hope you’ll enjoy Ethan’s senior photos.
Ethan is a senior this year at Ben Lippen, and he wanted senior photos showcasing his most beloved posession: his guitar Jane.
(I may have had a little too much fun with this one…)
Here the sky cooperated nicely with us. Thanks, sky.
Okay, so up to this point Ethan looks like a detached, disaffected rock star, which he is not. (Well, not detached and disaffected, anyway.) He’s actually a startlingly well-adjusted teenager. Just for variety, we decided to showcase the fact that, despite his awesome guitar strap, Ethan does not believe that life is pain.
“I’m friendly an approachable, but I’m going back to rock star in a minute.”
Ethan used to have the lesson right after mine at Freeway Music Northeast, so I knew he could play. I lugged my guitar amp out and he got to jam a little while we shot. He even let me play Jane, which I appreciated. (She sounds sweet!)
 Senior season is winding down, but if you want awesome photos of you or someone you love (Rock-n-roll Christmas cards, anyone?), get in touch and we’ll be delighted to make it happen.
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