Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘Thanksgiving’

Getting ready for the holidays

I don’t know about you, but I’m both delighted and a little bit terrified that there are only ten days until Christmas. We’ve done pretty well this year: the tree is up and decorated (it never made it out of storage last year), the presents are purchased (and the elves from Amazon will be delivering them any day), and we’ve even made Christmas cookies (though a few of the gingerbread men appeared to suffer from some sort of skin disease). In any case, here are our photographic representations of three things we’ve encountered and you’ll probably be encountering between now and the new year.

1. Travel

Sunset Over Summerville

I got sick just before Thanksgiving this year (thanks a lot, immune system), so Wendy drove us down to her parents’ house in Summerville. Just as we got off I-26 we saw this sunset. I…requested emphatically that Wendy pull the car over so that we could get a photo. She graciously agreed.

2. Food

Bacon-wrapped roast

My mother-in-law made this roast that is, yes, wrapped in bacon. Did she make this for Thanksgiving dinner? No, this was the night before Thanksgiving…you know, just to get us ready. If I haven’t mentioned it before, I won in every imaginable way when I married Wendy.

3. Gifts

Ah, exchanging gifts, what a wonderful way to celebrate the Lord’s birth! I’m fairly certain, however,  that the magi did not participate in a white elephant gift exchange.
“Number three!”
“Ok, I think I’ll take…the gold.”
“Are you sure? Look at this lovely frankincense! Think how fragrant your house would be!”
They were after all, wise men, and probably knew that at a white elephant gift exchange you risk going home with something like this:

White Elephant FAIL

As Dave Barry would say, “I swear I am not making this up.”

Wendy and I came home from my school’s Christmas party with a rusty caulk gun and a (beautifully decorated) paint can.
To be fair, at a later Christmas party we came out much better, with espresso cups and a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, so I’d say it evened out, all in all.

So, to summarize: travel safely, enjoy some delicious food, and be very, very careful with white elephant gift exchanges.

Getting ready for the holidays

I don’t know about you, but I’m both delighted and a little bit terrified that there are only ten days until Christmas. We’ve done pretty well this year: the tree is up and decorated (it never made it out of storage last year), the presents are purchased (and the elves from Amazon will be delivering them any day), and we’ve even made Christmas cookies (though a few of the gingerbread men appeared to suffer from some sort of skin disease). In any case, here are our photographic representations of three things we’ve encountered and you’ll probably be encountering between now and the new year.

1. Travel

Sunset Over Summerville

I got sick just before Thanksgiving this year (thanks a lot, immune system), so Wendy drove us down to her parents’ house in Summerville. Just as we got off I-26 we saw this sunset. I…requested emphatically that Wendy pull the car over so that we could get a photo. She graciously agreed.

2. Food

Bacon-wrapped roast

My mother-in-law made this roast that is, yes, wrapped in bacon. Did she make this for Thanksgiving dinner? No, this was the night before Thanksgiving…you know, just to get us ready. If I haven’t mentioned it before, I won in every imaginable way when I married Wendy.

3. Gifts

Ah, exchanging gifts, what a wonderful way to celebrate the Lord’s birth! I’m fairly certain, however,  that the magi did not participate in a white elephant gift exchange.
“Number three!”
“Ok, I think I’ll take…the gold.”
“Are you sure? Look at this lovely frankincense! Think how fragrant your house would be!”
They were after all, wise men, and probably knew that at a white elephant gift exchange you risk going home with something like this:

White Elephant FAIL

As Dave Barry would say, “I swear I am not making this up.”

Wendy and I came home from my school’s Christmas party with a rusty caulk gun and a (beautifully decorated) paint can.
To be fair, at a later Christmas party we came out much better, with espresso cups and a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, so I’d say it evened out, all in all.

So, to summarize: travel safely, enjoy some delicious food, and be very, very careful with white elephant gift exchanges.