Lumos Studio

South Carolina Wedding Photography Blog
Posts Tagged ‘zoo’

Merry Christmas!

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And strange as it seems
J.P. and Wendy were relaxing
Their apartment was clean!
They’d watched Lost off of Netflix,
Ten episodes or more,
Odd since they’d just started
Watching two days before.
They’d sung ‘long with Sufjan,
Read some Lord of the Rings,
Watched Peanuts and Garfield
From Bittorrent streams.
And soon they’d be dreaming
Of lenses and lights,
Softboxes and snoots
To make portraits look right.
But first to their blog
They posted scenes of cheer
To thank friends and clients
For a wonderful year!

Wendy and I are celebrating our third Christmas together as husband and wife and, if you’ll pardon a little bit of bragging, I’m reminded that I am the luckiest man on earth. Seriously, how many guys have a wife who can decorate cookies like this?

I’m guessing very, very few.

I’d also expect that there aren’t too many wives who would indulge their husbands in decorating their gingerbread men to resemble web comic characters.

Meet Faye and Marten…

…and Winslow and Pintsize.

Now say goodbye to Pintsize.

Besides decorating cookies, we got ready for Christmas by going to “The Lights Before Christmas” at Riverbanks Zoo.

(I think Wendy looks good in red, don’t you?)

I don’t know if the fish were in the Christmas spirit or not. Some of them were kind of sparkly, though.

Meanwhile the Lizards were decked out in their best Christmas green.

Wendy and I wish you a very merry Christmas and suggest that you put a star on your tree…

(Not this one)

…snuggle up with someone you love…

…or in my case…

…and have a happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

‘Twas the night before Christmas
And strange as it seems
J.P. and Wendy were relaxing
Their apartment was clean!
They’d watched Lost off of Netflix,
Ten episodes or more,
Odd since they’d just started
Watching two days before.
They’d sung ‘long with Sufjan,
Read some Lord of the Rings,
Watched Peanuts and Garfield
From Bittorrent streams.
And soon they’d be dreaming
Of lenses and lights,
Softboxes and snoots
To make portraits look right.
But first to their blog
They posted scenes of cheer
To thank friends and clients
For a wonderful year!

Wendy and I are celebrating our third Christmas together as husband and wife and, if you’ll pardon a little bit of bragging, I’m reminded that I am the luckiest man on earth. Seriously, how many guys have a wife who can decorate cookies like this?

I’m guessing very, very few.

I’d also expect that there aren’t too many wives who would indulge their husbands in decorating their gingerbread men to resemble web comic characters.

Meet Faye and Marten…

…and Winslow and Pintsize.

Now say goodbye to Pintsize.

Besides decorating cookies, we got ready for Christmas by going to “The Lights Before Christmas” at Riverbanks Zoo.

(I think Wendy looks good in red, don’t you?)

I don’t know if the fish were in the Christmas spirit or not. Some of them were kind of sparkly, though.

Meanwhile the Lizards were decked out in their best Christmas green.

Wendy and I wish you a very merry Christmas and suggest that you put a star on your tree…

(Not this one)

…snuggle up with someone you love…

…or in my case…

…and have a happy New Year!