Shayne: Trash the Dress
Two weeks ago Wendy and I went down to Hilton Head to visit with Ethan’s parents, Loren and Betsy. Despite that, there are no pictures of Ethan in this post. I have some self-control.
While we were there, Wendy, Loren and I did a Trash the Dress shoot with Loren’s sister Shayne. In general, a Trash the Dress shoot is where a bride, recognizing that she will in all likelihood never wear her wedding dress again, goes out and gets photographed doing all kinds of things one ought not do in a wedding dress. This wasn’t quite like that. Shayne decided not to trash her wedding dress, but instead to trash a dress she bought specifically for this purpose and on which she got a great deal. I’m absolutely fine with that, and we hope you will be, too.
We played for a while on the playground and let me tell you, Shayne is no slouch on the swings. I would have posted a picture of her in action but somebody would have accused me of doctoring the photo. She’s a daredevil. This shot doesn’t really capture that.
Later on we moved on to more traditional Trash the Dress fare.
Apparently tule lacks the aqua-dynamic properties of say, a wetsuit, so big props to Shayne for not drowning (a big plus for any shoot) and for managing to find a dress that pink.
We kind of fought with the sun for a lot of the shoot, but when it worked with us, it was good.
Loren is a much braver guy than I am when it comes to his gear.
I liked this last shot so much that I slapped our studio name on it. All the cool photographers are doing it.
Thanks for following the TEN (business) DAYS OF BLOGGING. If you’ve stuck with us for the past eight days, tomorrow ought to be one of the big payoffs (assuming Wendy and I can get it ready in time). Remember, comments on posts are always appreciated (as long as they’re glowing praise). See you tomorrow!
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J.P. & Wendy, these are gorgeous!!! Y’all are absolutely incredible!!
-Glowing Praise!-
Seriously, all the photos thusfar have been excellent. Nice work guys!
(p.s. if I had the money, I’d pay you to follow me around and make me look awesome)
That last photo! The lines are amazing and its so clean looking…Very high fashion.
That last photo made me think, “coffee table book.”
Wow. I just saw your comment on the Me Ra Koh workshop, and I will be very daunted to be attending with you! Your work is so very good. I didn’t even know that “trash the dress” was a traditional thing. :) Clearly I have much to learn!